Windows 11 Features: Everything you need to know

 The worst kept secret for Microsoft has been released in the near-final version of the next-generation online upgrade of Windows 11 operating system. Naturally, we tried things in front of what we believe to be an official revelation of the next Windows event, on June 24, 2014.

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After one day using what we term the "preview" of Windows 11 as our primary operating system, there is a lot that was worth excitement and rumours throughout the many months. In Windows 11, there are 11 things that excitement us from a Radical New Start Menu, new rounds, a fresh Dark Mode and more.

New Start menu for search, taskbar

The redesigned Start menu is the first item we have seen in Windows 11. This is one of the most interesting developments for us, however contentious. This latest design for Microsoft uses Windows 10 in the past. The latest design for Microsoft.

The Microsoft Menu is now switching the start-up menu to centre instead of being off the left as it had since Windows 95 (with the exception of Windows 8). And, look, it's swimming!

That alone is a major difference, but also the design. The Windows 11 Start Menu displays you "pinned" applications and the most recent file instead of having Live Tiles and a large list of programmes. It makes things easy to utilise and is rather refreshing with minimum distraction.

Even the taskbar is focused so that programmes appear organically in the centre of the screen. And then it's combined with a new search icon which creates a floating search bar instead of an off-centered box as in the present Windows editions. This once again helps put stuff in front of you—such as MacOS or Chrome OS—and it's quite clean. It's really good.

New Animation

You remember "aero" in Windows Vista and Windows 7? Behind them Windows had a glossy look and when your apps and programmes were running, you could see a lovely visual. That's also in Windows 10, even if it's a lot more subtle, coloured by Microsoft. Well, it was never so beautiful with Windows 11.

Now, with Windows 11 there are a tonne of various animations. Move Windows about your multifunction screen and the impression before your background is a glassy blurred one. And placing your finger on the top of a window displays a new contour of the window that allows you to comprehend where it goes.

But not everything. Open and close applications, maximise and minimise windows—all of them have new animations. Apps are now minimised as the taskbar jumps. If you press the maximise button, you also have an effect where it opens within. The aged Windows has a fresh vibe.

A new approach to work with windows

Split-screen applications are one of the most prevalent things in Windows. Microsoft seems to have a "gruppen" function included in Windows 11. You will see six methods you may pair your active windows with all other open windows when you hover over the maximise button. Click on the button, create a group, and the combination of Windows 11 will be remembered.

It's very cool. Actually, this was a component of the Power Toys Fancy Zones. Microsoft is the programme that lends you unique layouts by tilting windows. It appears as though Microsoft finally worked on the programme without having to download it further. And it is truly intuitive to use without the necessary learning curve.

Enhanced touch checks

The way it handled touch was a major concern with Windows 10. It fell behind because of a cumbersome UI compared with Chrome OS, iPad OS and other operating systems. Well, Windows 11 makes some necessary adjustments by completely eliminating tablet mode to support minor modifications.

Windows 11 gives you a greater depiction of where it is going when you touch a window with your finger. If you have a tablet, it will be easier to utilise Windows. Includes a new keyboard for Windows 11 also. It supports the insertion of GIF pictures and provides a smoother image and greater auditory feedback when you touch key. Now, you would be excited to know how to download windows 11.

Microsoft was even thinking about people using surface pen attachments. The Windows Ink Workspace has a new menu that may be used to personalise your applications. Now naturally, you can add your own programmes to the Windows Ink Workspace so every time you go out into inking, you don't have to visit the Start Menu.

New sounds fresh

The noises did not change significantly when Windows 10 was launched in 2015. For typical activities like as inserting USB devices, error messages and notifications we stayed with the same auditory feedback. Finally, Windows 11 changes everything with a new sound suite. The sounds cover many regular actions, and after five years of the same system noise, it is extremely pleasant. For you above, we have demoted the sound.

Dark Mode

Dark Mode has always suffered from Windows 10. Switching to dark mode may not always affect the look of some system applications and setup pages. Well, Microsoft tried to change that in Windows 11. There are certain sections remaining which are not totally compatible with the dark mode, but it appears extremely refreshing to the eyes in terms of title bar and task bar and action centre.

Arif Bacchus/Digital Trends

There were many flat edges for Windows 10, but that changes with Windows 11. Windows 11 replaces pointed corners for circular ones to match Microsoft's fluent design language. It's one of the most remarkable features in the OS and looks awesome as well. The borders of windows and applications are a little like Apple's MacOS Big Sur experience now. The eyes are more smoother when combined with the correct wallpaper and a major transformation after 5 years in Windows 10 with squared corners.

Refreshed Action Center

Microsoft has made the overall interface more consistent. You will note that the Action Center now includes contains round corners and larger slider buttons, making pressing the button much simpler. The buttons in the action centre fit the tips of your fingers naturally. This is a stimulating refresh which makes your screen touch.

New ways to manage virtual desktops

In Windows 11, virtual desktops also experience a fascinating shift. Now virtual desktop management goes to a specific location below the screen. On each virtual desktop you may even change the wallpaper independently and move it with your mouse and finger. The way it is handled is more natural and coherent.


Widgets are last on our list. They come back from Windows Vista and can't be more timely. With a button on the taskbar, you may summon widgets and toss them into a new user interface that has the time and "tyles" with particular information. As with news and interest from Microsoft in Windows 10, these controls make it simple to acquire information quickly. No chores like checking the news, the weather or traffic need to draw your phone up. Everything is now at your fingertips.

More changes to come?

It's essential to realise that the Windows 11 we build isn't over yet. Between the time of release, things could change, but it certainly looks as though many of these features will wind up on the last operating system. June 24 shows the entire breadth and we could not get more excited about what's to come on Windows 11.

Thank you for giving your precious and valuable time to alertsvala and we appreciate it you gain lot's of valuable information about window 11. 


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